Do I need a paid TradingView Account?
You do not need a paid TradingView to use our Indicatos. Indicators will work fine with a free Tradingview account.
I can't see the invite-only scripts folder on TradingView
If you subscribed to our Indicators and do not see the "invite-only scripts" folder or the indicator, you may be logged into the wrong account or you may have misspelled your TradingView username when you signed up with us. Send one of our moderators or the Admin your correct username. If you are still having trouble, get in touch with us directly on Discord.
I can't see WhaleFlow or BlueWave in TradingView
Make sure that you have deleted all indicators and reset all charts before logging in to the TradingView account with the username you provided when you subscribe to Indicators. Navigate to the Indicators & Strategies Library (Hotkey "/") and find the folder "invite-only scripts." In this folder, you will see WhaleFlow & BlueWave. If you purchased WhaleFlow and do not see the "invite-only scripts" folder or the indicators, you may be logged into the wrong account or you may have misspelled your TradingView username when you signed up with us. Edit your TradingView name in your account settings on our website to automatically update your TradingView name in our system. If you are still having trouble, get in touch with us at Discord. Be aware, after your purchase it may take up to 3 hours minutes before BlueWave will be visible.